We know every brand can achieve better results through a smarter, more effective and efficient approach to engaging customers and retailers.
Liquid approach
The challenge
Market dynamics and demand constantly change.
Organisations that want to sense and seize every opportunity to maximise their activities and return, need both actionable insight from rich timely data and an integrated dynamic way of deploying it across a breadth of vital customer touchpoints.
With amazing people, CPM delivers this Liquid approach.

An ever-changing market
With more ways to engage with the consumer on and offline it has never been harder for brands to focus attention and investment on the right people, at the right moments, and in the right ways and places to drive sales and positive outcomes.
To navigate the ever-changing market forces that brands face, CPM deliver a Liquid approach—an adaptive strategy designed to flow seamlessly with the shifting dynamics of the marketplace.
A Liquid approach
Using strategic planning, advanced data science and technology we continually assess and forecast market dynamics to uncover the biggest sales and customer experience opportunities, selecting and deploying the best resources in the most agile way to maximise results for you.
How can it help your business?
By bringing together data science, human talent and digital solutions, our Liquid approach gives you the edge. It allows you to invest smarter, scale faster, be more productive and flex to the opportunity. Achieving better results, saving resource and money, reducing unnecessary travel and CO2, we help your business adapt to changing dynamics and demand and innovate with impact.
There is a better way
How does it work?
Strategic Planning
We identify every opportunity to maximise returns and minimise risk by leveraging actionable insights from both your data and our vast, timely data resources.
Data Science
Through advanced data science, we model and optimise the best timing, locations, and resources to achieve your objectives—pushing beyond your expectations to deliver exceptional results.
We leverage technology such as predictive AI, image analytics, automation, contact orchestration platforms and unique apps to enable rapid insight and swift response.
Dynamic Deployment
Using AI to automatically deploy Sales resources, engaging retailers digitally, leveraging mobile data, or ramping up multichannel customer support at peak times – we deploy the resources you need, precisely when you need them to achieve the best possible results.
The benefits of a Liquid approach
Better results
Improved ROI & effect
The right resource at the right time and place for better results.
Save resources
Time and money
Only deploy what is needed, when it is needed.
React faster
To changing dynamics
Rapid insight from data allows swift responses to changing dynamics.
Reduce CO2
Less travel
More effective physical and increased digital interactions significantly reduce travel.
Scale faster
Ready to deploy
Flexible expert resources allow you to scale faster.
Invest smarter
Know what works
Reinvest where result show greatest ROI and effect.
Redeploy expertise
Where it is needed
Use regained time and resources to redeploy expertise.
Integrated and Tracked
A holistic approach across the whole customer journey.
Liquid in action
Client Challenge - How could we service the convenience channel differently using CPM’s Liquid approach?
Real-time and predictive data was combined with AI technology to create a data led deployment model which pinpointed where customers were, when and the best way to engage with them. By adapting the model to introduce virtual and digital interactions with the right retailer at the right time, more sales interactions were achieved and other resource redeployed to greater effect and ROI.

“Over the years we have been working with CPM, we have seen numerous opportunities to reach our customers more effectively and the continuous service innovation has without doubt led to better activation outputs and improved ROI. The recent use of the Liquid approach used for our brand deployment in convenience is the best example of this yet. CPM really are a true extension to the Lucozade Suntory GB & I team”
Tym Rees, Channel Controller Field Sales