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We are delighted to announce that our Managing Director, Lorraine Butler, has won the prestigious award of CEO of the Year at the IMAGE Businesswoman of the Year Awards 2019.

CEO of the Year Nagel Lorraine Butler presented by Pamela Quinn at the Image Business Woman of the Year Awards 2019 (1)

The ceremony took place on November 25th at the Clayton Hotel on Burlington Road, with the attendance of over 800 of Ireland's most influential and inspiring businesswomen. 

The IMAGE Businesswoman Awards celebrate Ireland's most inspiring businesswomen, recognising their leadership and business acumen, entrepreneurship, creativity and fearless thinking. In their 13th year, we saw Ireland’s pioneering businesswomen being presented with prestigious awards in front of some of the country’s finest luminaries. 

Lorraine joined CPM at the end of 2015 and since then she has moved our company from strength to strength. She has not only made valuable contributions to our company and our client's businesses by leading with creative thinking and introducing the latest technologies in the market, but she has also had a tremendous impact in the industry.

Lorraine co-funded Today Women's in Grocery (TWIG), a women's networking for growth initiative with all event proceeds supporting the IGBF charity. She also established and leads the TWIG Mentoring Programme, supporting women to advance their personal and professional development.

Don't miss Lorraine's speech when accepting her award:


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