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Adaptable salesforce

Coming soon: CPM’s new whitepaper

‘Unlocking the Commerce of Convenience’
Tracking trends and opportunities for brands in the UK convenience market


'Unlocking the Commerce of Convenience' will focus on the untapped potential of the post-pandemic convenience market for brands.

The report will highlight the unique market insight Omnicom solutions have access to and demonstrate how investment in the adaptable sales force can provide the best ROI for brands in the channel - every time.

Thought leadership

The whitepaper will comprise thought leadership and data from Axis, CPM and *shopt. This trio of Omnicom solutions helps to drive increased ROI for brands. Together they can pivot quickly through their unrivalled data-driven approach to understanding convenience retailers.

In addition to the main report, the whitepaper will feature three case studies showcasing nuances of the adaptable salesforce, based on data in action and comment from key industry leader Paul Cheema of C-Talk. It will identify trends, challenges and NPD insights within the sector for both brands and convenience retailers.

Three key points

'Unlocking the Commerce of Convenience' will address the following three key points:

  1. Growth of the convenience channel
  2. Change in the market as a result of the pandemic and potential opportunities this presents for brands and convenience retailers
  3. The need for brands to put retailers first for success in the channel


Make sure you don’t miss out on this ground-breaking whitepaper. Get in touch now, and we’ll make sure you are notified as soon as it’s ready to roll.

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