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So, you’ve gotten a new job? What a fantastic new adventure and a wonderful accomplishment! All your hard work has paid off. You’ve gone through the interview process, sold yourself, handed in your notice and now you’re on Cloud 9! The excitement of it all takes over, like planning your outfit, wondering what the work place is going to be like, are the people nice? And then it dawns on you…. this a HUGE change!! And let’s face it, humans don’t like change, BUT change can be a great thing.


The thoughts of walking into a new workplace being the “newbie” is daunting for anyone and everyone. This is not something we can overlook or surpass, however there are lots of things that you can do to make yourself and your new co-workers feel comfortable and happily transition.


In your first week, it is known that the below pointers are really useful!

  1. Introduce yourself!
    How else are people supposed to get to know you? Confidence is key and once you have made an impression on your new work colleagues, even in terms of telling them little facts about yourself, this is how we establish a presence in an office environment. Be warm, smile and even if you don’t feel confident, always make sure that you come across that way.
  1. Make friends!
    No matter what stage you are in your life, getting to know people almost always brings you back to when you were first starting school doesn’t it? You didn’t know anyone walking into your new class, but for some reason it seemed so much easier to build relationships then. You must remember, at some point or another a person you are trying to befriend was a newbie at one point and there will definitely be a new employee after you!
  1. Ask questions!
    People of course want to know about you. Where you’re from, what’s your favourite food, what kind of music do you like? But, people also like listeners. Someone who expresses the same interest in them as they would in you. This is also a great tool for making friends. Common interests build an excellent foundation for friendships and excellent professional relationships to be built on.
  1. Lunch time = fun time!
    In your first few days, sit with your work colleagues at lunch time. This will give you a more relaxed environment to get to know people and everyone switches off somewhat during lunch breaks. Offer to go for a coffee with someone you have common interests with, this way you can learn about the business too. It’s always nice to pick someone’s brain on what they love about working for the company.

This may seem like a lot of information, but it is something that comes naturally to all of us. Being open and getting to know people is something we have to do in every aspect of life. I found these tips really useful when joining a new company and believe me, I am better for it. Take a deep breath and walk in with your head held high and be confident…but most importantly, enjoy it!


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