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Sales can be a difficult process. Oftentimes customers are scared off when they see they’re being sold a product. If they feel their best interests aren’t being looked after, they will be unwilling to consider taking your product or service.

Building a strong relationship with your customer can show them that you are there to help them, rather than a salesman trying to force a product onto them. Also strong customer relationships drive sales, sustainability and growth.

At CPM we have gathered 3 tips that will help you to build relationships that drive sales:

Tailored strategy

salesEvery customer is different in some way. Discovering and understanding these differences results in delivering a top in class service, based on the particular needs of each customer. Not considering your customer’s preferences and asserting your agenda over theirs can easily scare them off from wanting to deal with you. On our experience, the best client relationships are created when you tailor your strategy to the expressed needs of each individual customer.

Open communication channels

salesCommunication is key when developing profitable customer relationships. Make sure you are communicating with your client on a daily basis and in a proactive manner. Every interaction with a customer should be treated as an opportunity to monitor and build that relationship. By keeping in regular contact, you can track customer sentiments towards your business, and rectify problem areas identified through your regular communication.

Request feedback

salesIn addition to maintaining an open communication, it’s also advisable to request regular feedback and advice from customers. Encouraging honest feedback from a client will give you further insights into how to meet their expectations and needs. By soliciting feedback to your client, you will also be communicating that you are willing to go the extra mile to improve your service.


In order to build strong relationships with your customers, it’s important that you look after at aspects of the dynamic that go beyond the bare product or service. By putting the previous tips into practice you will be able to nurture a loyal and mutual-beneficial relationship.


References: articles/2013/11420/five-tips- for-creating-relationships- that-drive-sales

http://www. principles-for-complete- customer-service/