Merchandising Online- Is there a secret recipe for how to sell an invisible product online?
Merchandise online
No. We are sad to say that there is no known solution nor secret recipe for that. No-one is going to buy a product online if it isn’t there. Sorry.
That’s why making sure a product is visible to consumers should be the most basic requirement of any retailing activity. Online more than ever. Despite this, a recent study found that, on average, FMCG suppliers only have 60-80% of their products visible at their online retailers. Even when shoppers are actively searching for their specific brand or category. So clearly this basic requirement is harder to fulfil, or a lower priority, online than it ought to be.
This valuable insight was shared in a White Paper from category and shopper management specialist Bridgethorne (UK) in early February 2018. According to this report, too many suppliers fail to check what is happening to their products online the way they would in a bricks-and-mortar store. And because they’re not looking for it, they aren’t realising there’s a problem and therefore aren’t investing in putting things right.
Sales opportunities
This shows that all these suppliers and brands are missing out on a massive sales opportunity that’s there for the taking – both in terms of revenue and market share – if they could only find out where they are unlisted (and thereby invisible) and sort it out.
And this study only looks at FMCG suppliers in the UK. What about invisible products in other markets and industries? If we went looking for it, we would probably see a similar problem wherever we looked.
We believe it’s a waste for suppliers and brands to risk not being visible and not being sold online, when there’s a solution out there. We can’t help you to sell invisible products, but we can easily scour the online retailer landscape to find the needle in the haystack and help fix the problem by ensuring that your products are visible where and how they should be.
Please drop us a note if you want to know more and we’ll be happy to help.
The global Detail merchandising online team
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Our solution for merchandising online is probably the most targeted solution in the market for sales and marketing teams, built to embrace this specific challenge – seeking out and finding lost sales opportunities online, fixing them and winning overall sales. With our state of the art technology, we currently cover 50 countries all over the world. Read more @