CPM | International blog

Digital screen usage in Dublin v’s London

Written by cpmie | 25 June, 2020

CPM attended latest shopper seminar by POPAI and took away some great insights in to how the world of consumers is continuously changing as well as some very interesting findings on the current use of Digital screens in Dublin v’s London, which we are delighted to share with you today:


Digital screen usage in Dublin v’s London


Popai carried out a research to get a snap shot of:

  • How Digital screens are being used on high street
  • Opportunity to interact with retail digital display screens

265 stores were researched – 72 in Dublin and 193 in London.


Almost 50 different types of retail category were visited, including HORECA, Financial, as well as entertainment outlets such as cinemas and museums.



Strange to see that some categories - Pharmacy, fashion accessories, gifting, music, stationary and cards, were using little or no digital screen technology.


Most interesting findings for Dublin:

  1. Window screens were the most popular

  1. Mainly the size of screens in Dublin were between 10” – 40” whereas half of the screens in London were 40” or larger
  2. Just 4% of the screens in Dublin and London were interactive
  3. ¾ of the screens both in Dublin and London featured promotional offers other than pricing 
  4. Whilst 90% of the screens in London had a CTA, only half of the screens surveyed in Dublin had a Call to Action

Things to note when considering messaging for screens:

  • In- Store – on average shoppers browsing in store took 2.5 seconds to pass a digital screen display
  • Outside - Shoppers move more quickly giving them only 1.8 second opportunity to interact with a digital display screen
  • However, the number of messages displayed in 60 seconds on screen ranged from 1 – 15 messages.
  • Unless visitors physically stop and engage with screens they will either:
    • Only see a fraction of the message, perhaps missing the main communication or even the product name or brand name
    • In the case of screens with multiple messages they may only see one or even only part of one


Main outtakes from the findings:

  • Some significant retail categories are underrepresented in the use of digital screen technology e.g. pharma and music
  • Windows and internal store walls account for 75% of digital screen locations
  • All screens surveyed were working and the majority were easy to read
  • Only 1/3 site within branded displays
  • Despite a multitude of pricing messages and promotions, calls to actions were only seen in 55% of screens
  • The opportunity to actually engage with screens is limited. Content needs to reflect this.

Day in day out CPM have merchandisers on the shop floor of multiples nationwide in Ireland. We are seeing a shift from your traditional point of sales displays to a combination of digital and traditional point of sale working in tandem. If you are looking at ways in which you can incorporate a more engaging experience in store contact CPM today at info@cpmire.com or call 01 7080 300